function abbreviates strings to a specific minimum length.
abbreviate(names.arg, minlength = 4, use.classes = TRUE, dot = FALSE, strict = FALSE,
method = c("left.kept", "both.sides"), named = TRUE)
method = c("left.kept", "both.sides"), named = TRUE)
The parameters are:
:names to be abbreviated
: minimum length of the abbreviation
: logical parameter. Lower cases are removed first
: logical parameter. Adds a dot at the end of the abbreviations
: logical parameter. The words are abbreviated to the minlenght regardless if they are unique or not.
: method to be used (“left.kept” or “both.sides”)
: logical parameter. Show original names.minlength
and strict
parameters:x =c("abcde", "abcdefgh", "abce", "egafg", "ghty")
## [1] "abcde" "abcdefgh" "abce" "egafg" "ghty"
abbreviate(x, minlength = 2) #the function abbreviates the words remaining they unique, for that reason some have a length bigger than 2
## abcde abcdefgh abce egafg ghty
## "abcde" "abcdf" "abce" "eg" "gh"
#minlenght = 5
abbreviate(x, 5)
## abcde abcdefgh abce egafg ghty
## "abcde" "abcdf" "abce" "egafg" "ghty"
#strict = TRUE
abbreviate(x, 2, strict = TRUE) #when using strict = TRUE the words are abbreviated to the minlenght regardless if they are unique or not
## abcde abcdefgh abce egafg ghty
## "ab" "ab" "ab" "eg" "gh"
parameter:y =c("ABCDE", "ABCdefgh", "abcET", "EgafgG", "dghTY", "abcDEhhhht", "afth")
## [1] "ABCDE" "ABCdefgh" "abcET" "EgafgG" "dghTY"
## [6] "abcDEhhhht" "afth"
#use.classes = TRUE
abbreviate(y, 1, use.classes = TRUE)
## ABCDE ABCdefgh abcET EgafgG dghTY abcDEhhhht
## "ABCD" "ABCd" "aE" "E" "d" "aD"
## afth
## "af"
abbreviate(y, 2, use.classes = TRUE) #the first letter is kept regardless if it is an upper or lower case, then the upper cases have preference.
## ABCDE ABCdefgh abcET EgafgG dghTY abcDEhhhht
## "ABCD" "ABCd" "aE" "EG" "dT" "aD"
## afth
## "af"
abbreviate(y, 4, use.classes = TRUE)
## ABCDE ABCdefgh abcET EgafgG dghTY abcDEhhhht
## "ABCD" "ABCd" "abET" "EgfG" "dgTY" "abDE"
## afth
## "afth"
parameter:y =c("ABCDE", "ABCdefgh", "abcET", "EgafgG", "dghTY", "abcDEhhhht", "afth")
## [1] "ABCDE" "ABCdefgh" "abcET" "EgafgG" "dghTY"
## [6] "abcDEhhhht" "afth"
abbreviate(y, 2, use.classes = TRUE, dot = TRUE)
## ABCDE ABCdefgh abcET EgafgG dghTY abcDEhhhht
## "ABCD." "ABCd." "aE." "EG." "dT." "aD."
## afth
## "af."
abbreviate(y, 2, strict = TRUE, use.classes = TRUE, dot = TRUE)
## ABCDE ABCdefgh abcET EgafgG dghTY abcDEhhhht
## "AB." "AB." "aE." "EG." "dT." "aD."
## afth
## "af."
method has two options: left.kept(default) and both.sides
z =c("abcde", "abcdeft", "acdef", "qwert", "werty")
## [1] "abcde" "abcdeft" "acdef" "qwert" "werty"
#method = "left.kept"
abbreviate(z, 2, method = "left.kept")
## abcde abcdeft acdef qwert werty
## "abcde" "abcdf" "ac" "qw" "wr"
#method = "both.sides"
abbreviate(z, 2, method = "both.sides")
## abcde abcdeft acdef qwert werty
## "ab" "ft" "ac" "qw" "wr"
parameter:#named = TRUE
abbreviate(z, 2, named = TRUE)
## abcde abcdeft acdef qwert werty
## "abcde" "abcdf" "ac" "qw" "wr"
#names = FALSE
abbreviate(z, 2, named = FALSE)
## [1] "abcde" "abcdf" "ac" "qw" "wr"
Working with the iris data set:
abbreviate(colnames(iris), 2)
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## "S.L" "S.W" "P.L" "P.W" "Sp"
abbreviate(colnames(iris), 2, strict = TRUE)
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## "S." "S." "P." "P." "Sp"
abbreviate(colnames(iris), 2, strict = TRUE, dot = TRUE)
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## "S.." "S.." "P.." "P.." "Sp."
abbreviate(colnames(iris), 4, strict = TRUE, named = FALSE)
## [1] "Sp.L" "Sp.W" "Pt.L" "Pt.W" "Spcs"
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
boxplot(iris, col = c('deeppink', 'deeppink1', 'deeppink2','deeppink3', 'deeppink4'), las = 2)
boxplot(iris, names = c(abbreviate(colnames(iris), 2, named = FALSE)), col = c('coral', 'coral1', 'coral2','coral3', 'coral4'), las = 2)
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